Friday, August 11, 2006


傳說中, 犯太歲的人相等於流年不利, 等等不好的兆頭!

到底是我自己沒照顧好呢? 還是自己內心也很渴望生病的日子?!
[瘋了, 哪有人會想生病!]

連身邊的人都開始為自己擔心, 干嘛老是生病, 是不是缺少了什麼營養?
糟糕了, 其實, 有時生病是為自己找藉口, 讓自己有個休息的時候, 順便利用時間做市場調查~~

無論如何, 每個月的疼痛得開始減少, 就是最基本的補品得喝一喝!
至於, 一般的傷風咳嗽, 發燒等症狀, 最好是半年也別讓它發作一次!~

別再隨便生病了, 其實我是可以很健康的~!

Thursday, August 10, 2006

Think before U speak!!

A lesson to Learn~ in a hard way~!!

I am very tired tonight. Somehow, a very tired night. My heart is very heavy and in fact I would be most happy to lay down on my bed which I can not.

Something is wrong somewhere.

Yes. It's another reminder to think before I speak. For godness shake, how can I did the same mistake again??! I always treat it as a minor problem and never put in my mind that I shall never repeat the same mistake again.

This is rather annoying and irritating to the people around me. I keep forgetting and keep drawing the same mistake till the day I realize this is not a minor mistake but a MAJOR~!

"Minor mistake will roll into big mistake if you don't manage it well."

I did promised to a VIP that I will change. I broke the promise.

It's so heartaching. Who likes people scold? Who like people to point out their own mistake especially if the person is their loved ones? If I continue to say "okok, I will change it next time" and laugh like nobody's business, I suppose the outcome will still be the same old ME! Sometimes I am the one that is wearing the "thick skin face". I wish people could take care of my pride. However, I am wrong. Pride is meaningless if I continue to misbehave and so inconsiderate to people around by acting like nobody's business and
speak without thinking the situation.

I am very shameful to my action. I admit that I am not mature enough. No wonder I still need people around me to remind me but this does not mean that I forever have people around to set a reminder to me. I have to take up my own responsibilities.

What I say, What I do, is What I deserves at the end of the Action!

Begging apologize is too late. I realized it soon after the ball runs too big that I could not even stop it.

Learning it in a hard way is the most painful way to change my poor attitude and misbehavior.

Pray that I shall never step into it again. Pray that everyone has a good night sleep everynight.

Thank you, Buddha Maitreya.

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Beach - My Dream Land~!

Recently, I went to the beach at Sepang Gold Coast. I have always wanted to go to the beach. Any beach will do. Whenever I have stress, pressure, hard feelings I will HUNT for a BEaCh~ However, most of the time I don't get to go on time to release tension... And that is the most important moment to have YOU around :) You will lend me yourshoulder to cry on~ So Fragile ya? YOU suggested to go to the BEACH~! I was so happy and almost scream and jump at my working place :P As though I have strike the LoTTeRy~!
It was a nice weather.
I wanted to record the sound of the sea...
Somehow, the recording turns out to be "sha sha sha"
Probably during night time the sea will sound even better.
Such a relief~
Such a good moment :)
When will I be with the beach again?
Next week? Next month? Next quarter of the year? Probably is next year?
I wanted to scream to the ocean...
"Wei~ Set Me FREE~"
"Wei~ Sail with ME~"
"Wei~ How are YOU~"
I love to see waterfall, fountain, sea, ocean, river... anything that is in water shape.
Even, rain!
It's cold and refreshing.
I can have good night sleep with rainy days.
I can feel the cool breeze~
A date with the ocean.
I promise, I will go to the beach again!

Thursday, August 03, 2006


是在內心太慌亂的時候 ...
看見這張照片 感覺特別舒服
中就有重新(心) 開始的感覺
不再 當逃兵