Tuesday, February 24, 2009


很討厭, 很討厭, 非常討厭!!

為什麼??!! 走開! 離開我的視線, 不想看見你, 好討人厭!!

當你受到打壓的時候, 威逼, 威脅等, 你會怎樣? 哎呀, 不要緊啦, 忍著點, 你會沒事的, 習慣些吧!
喂! 先生, 忍無可忍了也?! 怎麼辦? 爆發起來會很糟糕的. 結果, 終於... 爆炸了, "燒死了身邊無辜的人..."

比較軟弱的人並不代表他會什麼都妥協. 你若認為這樣的人很好欺負, 那, 你就大錯特錯了. 他忍你或許是基於希望能和諧解決, 讓一切回歸平靜, 多一事不如少一事. 當他認為你踩過線了, 他會反抗, 反抗的力量恐怕會很驚人!

依靠任何人都是壞事, 所以, 請各位多獨立, 別靠山, 山倒~!

拜託最小的並不代表什麼都得聽你的, 省省吧!

吃虧???? 有多少人可以吃虧????

總結論: 很多時候, 當一個人在憤怒的時候都會很消極, 滿口胡言亂語, 讓身邊的一同承受一樣的心情, 做出很多很難預料的事情, 反正, 反常態就對了.

所以, 當你知道身上的炸彈快爆炸了, 趕快想辦法做一做深呼吸, 出外跑跑, 聽聽音樂. 遠離案發現場, 避免悲傷的事情發生...

Sunday, February 22, 2009

2009 前往上海及北京

沒想到公司竟然這麼快宣布今年前往上海旅行. 很開心. 當然, 雖然經濟並不是很好, 而且短期內都會因為經濟風暴而受到嚴重的影響. 但是, 老闆說的對, 趁著少人出國的時段, 出國跑跑, 回來再衝刺!!

至於北京, 是我3年來的夢想. 我3年沒有為社團出力了, 都在國內做幕後的工作, 甚至連開會都沒有出席. 今年很慶幸能夠參與辦理北京的大自然活動. 必須好好用心辦好這一場. 這是大自然與人類的大事. 我們將來的下一代能否看見目前的大自然界, 真的要靠我們這一代努力為和諧的社會, 國家盡心盡力.

到時候一定拍攝更多美好的照片, 包括大自然的景色, 人與人之間的"人情味"等回來細細的回味.

Workaholic [Hataraki Man]

"Hataraki Man" by Kanno Miho: - - -

Story: The story resolves around Hiroko Matsukata, an editor of a weekly magazine. Hiroko is so focused on her work that she has no time for romance, and others refer to her by the nickname "hataraki man" (working man)

This Japanese series sure "kills" lots of my tears when the part she chose WORK and not choosing her romance. However, I should give her my salutation as she really put "work" as her 1st choice, she respect her work and career. She has put all her effort and energy to find the solution and solve the puzzle. Working Spirit that link the team and create miracles!

Originally this series was based on an animation or rather Manga.

Another thing that I can pick up from this series is the fashion of dressing code is really interesting and is a trend that anyone can look forward to. A chapter after another, there is a short dancing to cheer for each main actor/actress. The dancing are form by man of 6 (if I am not mistaken). A round of applause to the dancers. Very interesting!

There are certainly some moral values in each Chapter. Find out more by watching it.

I got the Original DVD for just RM49.90 (simply irresistable) to OWN it and watch it over and over again whenever you feel like your spirit is down.

Just switch "hataraki man" ON mode.

Friday, February 20, 2009

原來... 儲蓄很重要

成為上班族已經有4-5年了, 結果因為早期, 當義工常常塔飛機前往台灣, 香港等國家, 再加上購買科技社會所欠缺不了的手提電腦, 手機等, 總的來說現在身無分文 ><""

在緊急的時候, 才知道平日的儲蓄很重要. 所以, 我很慶幸的遇上一位能幫上我忙的仁兄. 我才開始了我儲蓄的天涯~! 突然間, 很有紀律的定時儲蓄. 哈哈哈, 未來除了公基金我還有另一筆留給我退休或旅遊甚至經營小本生意的籌碼.

好習慣要培養, 感恩仁兄的理財建議. 謝啦!
