Sunday, December 27, 2009

我的高達~ Quebeley (SD) Q版!

紅, 藍, 白

新嘗試的料理~ 玉米壽司

真的好開心~ 原來玉米的壽司也真的很可口~~!!

P/s: 全都是素食~~


2010年即將來臨, 此刻的感覺真的很好!

在即將來臨的這個新年, 對我來說意義非凡! 因為我已經決定了踏入人生的另一個里程碑~!
由一開始的憂心忡忡, 到戰戰兢兢, 到一步一步的籌備以及心理的建設等, 現在, 唯一剩下的就是勇敢的往前創 (闖)!!

不知道前路有多少的崎嶇, 多少的關卡等待著我(和我的夥伴) 但是我們並不畏懼! 我們只知道, 眼前就剩下一個字: "憨" 敢敢的用心去做!

創業並不容易, 但是唯有趁年輕的時候, 讓歲月不留白~!

衝動, 急性子, 性格火辣, 多愁善感, 目標看不清而糊裡糊塗, 善忘, 懶惰... 等等...
對工作: 我是很認真的, 我有些許完美主義的傾向, 所以服務性的工作都會很要求自己能夠將工作處理得有條有理, 有頭有尾.

我在認真工作時, 會非常的投入, 我也會將此精神帶到我的未來工作室.


Tuesday, August 18, 2009


我現在是捕捉天空景色的攝影手... 初學者 [Felicia]
真的好感動, 天空竟然可以如此蔚藍, 日出可以出現龍影, 白雲可以如此輕鬆的飄逸在天空中...

我已經成功收集了我家門前, 雪邦, 上海以及北京的天空. 月亮也在內...

每次看見天空, 再疲累的心情都會釋壞, 會心一笑...

我希望下一次出國能夠買下一本代表當地的書本, 那麼便能一步一腳印的紀錄下自己去過的地方, 然後, 書籤就是飛機票的票根~!


我並不苛求很富裕的生活, 平淡是福. 我並不需要用有很多東西就能很快樂.

如今非常努力的工作, 希望有一天能達成自己的理想.

很多感觸, 是非來到我的面前, 請止步, 因為, 我不想再惡性循環了.

只要我能辦到的, 我都不希望大家鬧得不歡而散.

希望有一天真的可以共同牽著大家的手, 創造出和諧世界一家人, 大自然樂園~!

只要有信念, 一切都會發生!

Monday, June 29, 2009



一直以來都有持續短跑及爬山 (Gunung Nuang), 但是都沒有嘗試過持續跑10公里的路程.

Standard Chartered 銀行舉辦的舉辦的Marathon在28/06/2009星期日吉隆坡舉行. 我的公司特別給員工報名參加, 一來促進良好的賓主關係, 二來, 大家可以身心健康.

於是, 我和老闆報名參加了10公里的, 其餘的和老闆娘參加了5公里的馬拉松.

早上5點10分我醒來盥洗後, 姊姊便送我到電子車站. 在車站前與老闆集合一同到達Masjid Jamek報到處處理好背包然後再到賽前準備暖身開始馬拉松.

早上7點, 槍聲一響, 現場大約5千100名參賽10公里的參賽者都往前跑了! 看見老闆跑得滿快的. 我儘量迎頭趕上. 一邊跑一邊自我鼓勵. 眼前真的人山人海~! 第一次參加這麼大型的馬拉松. 感覺真的很開心, 若這不是一項馬拉松比賽, 我可以寫保單平時練習跑步肯定不會有這麼多人陪我跑!

大約20分鐘後, 我停下了腳步, 開始步行一會兒, 而後又開始繼續跑下去.
30分鐘後, 又停了下來, 步行一會兒, 而後不放棄的又開始繼續的跑下去.
大約50分鐘, 也是如此. 由於水分沒有喝夠, 所以很快的就開始口渴了.
幸好, 第1站的飲水處出現在眼前. 真的好高興! 馬上跑到跟前喝了一杯100號的飲料.

跑呀跑的, 看見兩位身穿橙色運動服裝的先生女士, 身上還掛了一個氣球, 我心在想, 這一定是代表著10公里的時間標誌. 於是很努力的趕上. 結果, 還是失敗了, 因為才沒有多久, 人又慢了下來, 步行了一會兒, 又繼續跑步.

跑了一陣子會發現, 有些人和自己的速度是蠻相近的, 因為每會超越了他們, 很快, 他們又會出現再眼前. 一直都在以自己的意志力持續不斷的跑著, 不怎麼敢放輕鬆.

一直跑到第2站的飲水處, 喝了以後又繼續...

到了第3站的飲水處已經是8:11了. 手機響起來了, 原來老闆已經完成了10公里的馬拉松.
太利害了~! 我看了看四周圍自己身在何處, 大約可以預計到要到達的地點相當的接近, 所以, 在第3站的飲水站一直到總點我都不敢怠慢, 因為非常了解, 稍微放緩腳步, 我一定無法如期完成馬拉松!

結果, 真的好利害! 我到達的時間大約是8:28分~!

坦白說, 我內心一直在盤算著.. 只要我能夠完成10公里, 我不論在任何風浪, 阻礙之下我都必定可以升任它!!!

千萬別否定自己! 要相信自己, 對自己有信心.

完畢以後, 拿到了一枚獎牌. 這是很好的經歷. 我不會忘記:-

也希望我在未來的路上能夠更堅強, 更有體魄!



Monday, June 01, 2009

开创属于自己的一条康庄大道~! 行!!


为了开创属于自己未来的路, 除了专注, 更要有无比的乐观精神, 积极的态度。打不死又源源不绝的力量, 从何处来?就从梦想开始, 只要想到就这样吧, 一定能有所回应, 若情况不妙, 转念, 转个方法, 总有合适的!

所以, 别为了还未发生的事情而过分担心。 向前进吧~!
自然而然问题会迎刃而解, 还没前进就倒退, 没这个道理吧~!


Saturday, May 30, 2009

Do it While you Still Have the CREDIT~ to do it~~!

Lately, I have a couple of friends that are facing health problems.

Honestly speaking, I do not have a tough and strong body too! Every time when my period arrives and there comes my menstruation pain. It only takes me a day off on the 1st day of period from work. Meaning that no matter how unless it fall on weekend or else most likely I will have to take a day or half day off to lay down at home to rest.

I have been quite strong thinking that I did undergo routine exercise to keep my body strong. However, as long as I am lack of exercise I will face the same problem.

Drinking red wine is my another option to keep the blood circulating well. I am not quite sure if it has any direct linkage between red wine and menstruation pain. By in my mind, it should be useful though~

Somehow, to maintain healthy lifestyle, consume more fresh fruits, vegetables and drink lots of water. No matter how stress out your life maybe, you have to be positive and always smile.

It works!

Therefore, I will be joining this year Standard Chartered Bank's Marathon for the 10km challenge. I hope I can finish the race. As long as I can keep running steadily I trust that I can finish till the end of it. Therefore, now~ training session has started.

Do it While you Still have the CREDIT~~~ JUST do it!

Sunday, May 10, 2009


看見許許多多的人在談論名牌...不論是名牌包包, 名牌手錶, 名牌車子, 名牌鞋子等等.

其實, 每一樣東西只要適用, 名牌不名牌並不是那麼重要.

以前, 剛開始工作, 並沒有很多的衣服更換, 結果, 就是很簡略, 簡簡單單的配搭就上班去了.

日子就了, 身上的任務與責任多了, 需要必備的用具多了, 就會越帶越多東西在包包里. 由一般的小型包包到現在越來越大的, 這都是因為需要更多的空間容納下更多東西. 目前有個白色的包包真合我心意. 它, 實在太棒了! 能夠裝文件, 化妝用品, 受傷的繃帶, 藥膏, 皮包, 鑰匙還有許許多多的小東西. 真的很高興.

對名牌並不很認同的我, 對名牌的名字自然陌生不已, 什麼LV, GUCCI, COACH等, 只有在去到上海旅遊時聽同事們說起才認識它們...

不管怎樣, 名牌不名牌都不重要, 只要穿著整齊乾淨, 看起來精神奕奕, 即使再樸素也並不會失禮於人前.

More than what I expect... to reach the TOP~!

It's Gunung Nuang again~!

This is the 2nd time we in a group of Seven trying to reach the top of Gunung Nuang @ Hulu Langat. I woke up at 3am to get ready fried Tom Yam Bee Hoon. Thereafter, 430am depart from house to Safari to meet up with other members.

After which we drop by Taman Putra to meet the rest of the members. Finally we reached the car park lot of Gunung Nuang. The day is still young and there isn't any sun light.

We stretch abit and started our journey with our torch light.

One turning passes by another. We have been walking non-stop until we have finally reach the Kem Lolo. This is the benchmark during the 1st Trip to Gunung Nuang. We reached this station at 830am. I have almost drank half bottle of my water... I have to save up some for the returning thereafter. We have continue our journey and walk and climb...

There seems to be some great wind or water that some big trees fall down block the path. We still managed to cross over. My heart is really thankful to the senior who have gone through this path because they have left their foot steps and make a great walk path to us. Without the foot prints and path, I trust that we will be having tough time trying to reach Kem Pacat.

It's the same lesson we have in life. We have to always be grateful to all our ancestor and senior who have passed on to us the great sample and experience to us. Of cause the main lesson here beside being grateful to them is, walk it YOURSELF! and you will definitely know the feeling deep inside when you walk along it.

It is really tough, I started to feel hungry and energy low. I am now walking with my instinct. My spirit and i must belief that I can walk through this path.. my heart is praying that we get to reach the hill safely and breath~ keep breathing!

I have asthma before, therefore my breathing is getting more and more heavy and uneasy. But keep telling myself to breathe in and breathe out~~~

FINALLY!!! We have reach Kem Pacat!!!

Thinking that we have finally reach the Top~~~ But actually, we are not up to the Top yet. We have to put a stop and fill up our tummy with food. We have gone through discussion, after knowing that we have to walk another 1-2 hours to reach the top... We have come to conclusion that due to limited energy left, we decided to go down stream instead of heading to the Top.

My knees are in pain. When we were having our lunch at the Kem Pacat, the wind blows strongly. There were lots of bee in the jungle. The strong wind blew them away. We have finally finished our meal and just at the right time the wind stopped and the bee are all around us. We started again our journey to go down stream.

I didn't know that our following journey is going to be that tough...I slipped myself and sat on the floor coz it's slippery. Thereafter, around 30-40min we have reached the Water Fall. We remove out shoes and got our legs in the water fall to release the stress.

It's a wonderful feeling. The water is cold and refreshing. After around 20min, we continue again our journey down stream. It's not easy. I fall down again ... got my knees kneel on the floor. Bleeeds a little as my shoes are over slippery. It's a wonderful souvenir for me. Thanks to Buddha Maitreya that I am not stink by bee no suck blood by insect.

After we have reach down at the car park again, it is already 330pm. We head to Taman Putra to have some food. However, 3 of the members were exhauted (we are exhauted too) decided to go home direct for a rest. Left with 4 of us to have slight food and left Tmn Putra.

Jason drove quite fast and I reach home very tired. The legs are like not listening to what my brain is trying to send message to it... It's terribly tired and even I sat in the living hall, I have been "fishing". I have washed some of the items and took a bath. This is a great trip.

I sure hope that next time I get to go Chilling. I heard that it is a very nice place with nice scenery of Water fall.

Before the nex trip, I gonna get a pair of new climbing shoes and jogging shoes.

Wonderful experience!

This is my new hobby in year 2009~~!

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Camping @ Gunung Nuang @ Hulu Langat

Excellent I would say~~~! It's so excellent to camp at Gunung Nuang.

11th April 2009 -
wake up at 630am to get ready to depart to Gunung Nuang.
since there are nine of us we have set a meet up point at Hulu Langat. We went to pick up some1 from the station.
Thereafter, we gather at one of the restaurant at Hulu Langat.

Some of them just started to have their breakfast. Some even pack for their lunch.
We managed to grab a "Parang" with the price of RM26.00 and drove ourselves all the way to Gunung Nuang *of coz we lost in the middle of the way but we managed to find the right path again.

By the time we reached Gunung Nuang is already 11am. We reported ourselves at the guard house. Parked our car and started to walk up hill.

We have taken photos of "Before going up hill", everyone is just so very excited and eager to go up hill.

Around 1 o'clock we had our lunch in the middle of the hill. We continued our journey after the lunch. It took us 3 hours to reach the waterfall and found a camp site.

Immediately we set up our camp and get ready to set up the fire for dinner. So lucky that the spot of camp we had it has already been setup nicely by previous campers. They have dig the floor for the water to flow in case of rain. Some went for a bath at the waterfall while other take turns to take care of the valuable things at the camp site.

Around 430pm the rain starts to pour and we have decided to have our mee cup and hot drinks early of next morning.

The rain was not very heavy however it started to pour heavily around 6-7pm. Our camp was flooded. We are unable to rest in the camp and we have ourselves covered under the rain coat and stood underneath a "pondok".

We waited for the rain to stop so that we can clean up the camp and get some rest.

Indeed the God of Rain is good to us. The rain stops.

During the dark nite, I can hear lots of sound. Sound of nature.

Although the sleeping condition is not as good as bedsheet. In fact, I am sleeping on top of the rocks. It's a fresh experience to me.

I am grateful that I have joined the team and managed to finish hiking half of Gunung Nuang. Though our plan is the reach the summit.

We will be back again probably for a day trip just to reach the summit! Let's hit for the SUMMIT / the PEAK in MAY 2009~~~!!!

A closer look at the nature, how many people is willing to listen to the nature's heart beat?
While I was soaking myself in the waterfall... It's so cooling and refreshing. Where else can you find the natural air breeze and water to wash you off the stressful day?

I must use the same SPIRIT to hit my dream. The SPIRIT of hiking to the middle of Lolo Camp site.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Red Wine

Recently drinking "the Dot".

Not bad... quite mild.

Will taste others...

Tuesday, March 10, 2009



我發覺越年長越難尋求真心的知己. 尤其是可以掏心談心事的真的沒有几個. 屈指一數或許你會嚇到, 你根本沒有幾個談得來的朋友, 更何況是知心的朋友呢~!

無論如何, 若有個朋友在你不論遇上任何困難都會當你的聆聽者, 那麼他就有可能解開你心中的烏雲枷鎖, 這個人就是你的知心朋友之一. 所以千萬要和他保持聯繫.

心胸放寬些, 人會開心些.

眼光放遠些, 執著遠離些.

再大的事情, 再狼狽的情況, 再悲傷的情景, 再無辜的冤枉, 再委屈的心情, 這都只不過是一個過程. 人生必經的過程, 何必太介意?

不如退一步海闊天空, 凡是盡心就好, 若辦不到, 坦白直言可以了. 別人也不會這麼不通情達理, 強迫性的勉強你.

感謝上天媽媽, 感謝開導你的人, 感謝你的聆聽者... 謝謝~



<> 珊瑚海...聽後感 <>

周杰倫&梁心頤 -=<珊瑚海>=-

很細膩的女聲, 聽了很舒服, 但是... 再細細的聽下去, 歌詞越聽越悲哀!

或許兩個人在一起就是要坦白, 路才能走得更遠更踏實.

所以很珍惜現在的一切, 不想錯過任何相處的過程. 不論是好與不好, 只要耐心, 互相包容的去渡過, 就可以心平氣和的解決很多不必要的誤會...


男:海平面远方开始阴霾 悲伤要怎么平静纯白 我的脸上始终挟带 一抹浅浅的无奈

女:你用唇语说你要离开 男:心不在


男女:汹涌潮水你听明白 不是浪而是泪海





女:回不来 男:风中尘埃竟累积成伤害






女:不应该 男女:热情不再笑容勉强不来

女:你的笑容勉强不来 男女:爱深埋珊瑚海

男:毁坏的沙雕如何重来 有裂痕的爱怎么重盖 只是一切结束太快 你说你无法释怀

女:贝壳里隐藏什么期待 男:等花儿开


女男:脸向海风 咸咸的爱 尝不出还有未来


女:你有话说不出来 男女:海鸟跟鱼相爱只是一场意外

男女:我们的爱差异一直存在 女:回不来

男:风中尘埃竟累积成伤害 女:等待竟累积成伤害

男女:转身离开分手说不出来 男女:蔚蓝的珊瑚海错过瞬间苍白

男:当初彼此不够成熟坦白. 女:你我都不够成熟坦白

女:不应该 男:热情不在笑容勉强不来 女:你的笑容勉强不来


Tuesday, February 24, 2009


很討厭, 很討厭, 非常討厭!!

為什麼??!! 走開! 離開我的視線, 不想看見你, 好討人厭!!

當你受到打壓的時候, 威逼, 威脅等, 你會怎樣? 哎呀, 不要緊啦, 忍著點, 你會沒事的, 習慣些吧!
喂! 先生, 忍無可忍了也?! 怎麼辦? 爆發起來會很糟糕的. 結果, 終於... 爆炸了, "燒死了身邊無辜的人..."

比較軟弱的人並不代表他會什麼都妥協. 你若認為這樣的人很好欺負, 那, 你就大錯特錯了. 他忍你或許是基於希望能和諧解決, 讓一切回歸平靜, 多一事不如少一事. 當他認為你踩過線了, 他會反抗, 反抗的力量恐怕會很驚人!

依靠任何人都是壞事, 所以, 請各位多獨立, 別靠山, 山倒~!

拜託最小的並不代表什麼都得聽你的, 省省吧!

吃虧???? 有多少人可以吃虧????

總結論: 很多時候, 當一個人在憤怒的時候都會很消極, 滿口胡言亂語, 讓身邊的一同承受一樣的心情, 做出很多很難預料的事情, 反正, 反常態就對了.

所以, 當你知道身上的炸彈快爆炸了, 趕快想辦法做一做深呼吸, 出外跑跑, 聽聽音樂. 遠離案發現場, 避免悲傷的事情發生...

Sunday, February 22, 2009

2009 前往上海及北京

沒想到公司竟然這麼快宣布今年前往上海旅行. 很開心. 當然, 雖然經濟並不是很好, 而且短期內都會因為經濟風暴而受到嚴重的影響. 但是, 老闆說的對, 趁著少人出國的時段, 出國跑跑, 回來再衝刺!!

至於北京, 是我3年來的夢想. 我3年沒有為社團出力了, 都在國內做幕後的工作, 甚至連開會都沒有出席. 今年很慶幸能夠參與辦理北京的大自然活動. 必須好好用心辦好這一場. 這是大自然與人類的大事. 我們將來的下一代能否看見目前的大自然界, 真的要靠我們這一代努力為和諧的社會, 國家盡心盡力.

到時候一定拍攝更多美好的照片, 包括大自然的景色, 人與人之間的"人情味"等回來細細的回味.

Workaholic [Hataraki Man]

"Hataraki Man" by Kanno Miho: - - -

Story: The story resolves around Hiroko Matsukata, an editor of a weekly magazine. Hiroko is so focused on her work that she has no time for romance, and others refer to her by the nickname "hataraki man" (working man)

This Japanese series sure "kills" lots of my tears when the part she chose WORK and not choosing her romance. However, I should give her my salutation as she really put "work" as her 1st choice, she respect her work and career. She has put all her effort and energy to find the solution and solve the puzzle. Working Spirit that link the team and create miracles!

Originally this series was based on an animation or rather Manga.

Another thing that I can pick up from this series is the fashion of dressing code is really interesting and is a trend that anyone can look forward to. A chapter after another, there is a short dancing to cheer for each main actor/actress. The dancing are form by man of 6 (if I am not mistaken). A round of applause to the dancers. Very interesting!

There are certainly some moral values in each Chapter. Find out more by watching it.

I got the Original DVD for just RM49.90 (simply irresistable) to OWN it and watch it over and over again whenever you feel like your spirit is down.

Just switch "hataraki man" ON mode.

Friday, February 20, 2009

原來... 儲蓄很重要

成為上班族已經有4-5年了, 結果因為早期, 當義工常常塔飛機前往台灣, 香港等國家, 再加上購買科技社會所欠缺不了的手提電腦, 手機等, 總的來說現在身無分文 ><""

在緊急的時候, 才知道平日的儲蓄很重要. 所以, 我很慶幸的遇上一位能幫上我忙的仁兄. 我才開始了我儲蓄的天涯~! 突然間, 很有紀律的定時儲蓄. 哈哈哈, 未來除了公基金我還有另一筆留給我退休或旅遊甚至經營小本生意的籌碼.

好習慣要培養, 感恩仁兄的理財建議. 謝啦!
