原來, 愛上一個人會改變另一個人.
其實是變得更懂得照顧別人, 更體貼, 更善解人意. 結果, 妳會更樂意付出~
但是, 也有極端份子, 愛得太過火反而讓身邊的人難以忍受, 最終分手收場.
更有些是因了解而分開的, 到底是怎麼一回事?!
由簡單愛/ 純純的愛 轉變成熱愛, 到瘋狂的愛, 然後轉為穩固的愛, 再轉成永久的愛!
當然當中有包含了一見鍾情, 友情變戀情, 同事情變愛情等等戲劇性的變動模式.
非得談一場轟轟烈烈的愛情方知道什麼是"天長地久", "海誓山盟", "只在乎曾經擁有"??
一場愛情的來臨, 是包含了兩個人的相遇, 相識, 相知, 相惜而研發到最後兩個完全不同環境背景成長的人走在一起, 只為一個理由: 我愛妳/你!
愛一個人不需要理由. 說真的, 若你問我為什麼愛他? 我大概也回答不了. 只知道因為愛所以更珍惜.
我曾經不只一次問他, 為什麼你喜歡我? 你喜歡我什麼?
好傻的問題, 喜歡一個人, 愛上一個人, 根本不需要任何理由! 即使有理由也真的數不完...哈~!
只能感恩的說: 幸好有他的出現, 讓我知道什麼叫愛, 什麼是愛情, 也教會了我怎樣去愛一個人!
剛開始的不適應, (因為習慣了獨來獨往) 身邊有任何事情都不會想到要和他一同分享...
抱歉啦~ 第一次的戀愛經驗當然是傻呼呼的囉~
但是, 為什麼? 為什麼這並沒有發生在家人身上? 因為太了解家人的習性?
但是, 愛是不應該分階層, 不是嗎?
愛這天 (天空, 白雲, 太空, 臭氧層等)
愛這地 (地上, 草原, 海洋等)
愛這一花, 一草, 一樹, 一木
愛這世間的動物, 人類
怎麼個愛法呢? 隨口說說當然簡單, 但是實際行動可不容易~
今天看見有人往河流拋了一袋的垃圾~! 好生氣, 只怪我來不及喊, 否則我會破口大罵!
那人騎摩托離開了! 氣氣氣!
愛一個人何其容易, 但是要愛整個地球上的每一個與我息息相關的, 這可以點也不容易!
大概是... 像媽媽愛孩子一樣的愛吧? 因為不論孩子做了什麼媽媽的愛半點也不減的.
但是, 若恰恰好我對人有偏見, 不喜歡的人偏偏又出現在眼前, 怎麼大愛呢??!!
哈哈! 或許把他當成孩子便行了?
總的來說: 別亂亂愛, 別傷了自己又傷著別人. 老老實實, 真真誠成的去愛, 若不喜歡的, 不愛的 - 別愛! 省下不少的煩惱. 當朋友有當朋友的好!
Saturday, September 02, 2006
Friday, August 11, 2006
傳說中, 犯太歲的人相等於流年不利, 等等不好的兆頭!
到底是我自己沒照顧好呢? 還是自己內心也很渴望生病的日子?!
[瘋了, 哪有人會想生病!]
連身邊的人都開始為自己擔心, 干嘛老是生病, 是不是缺少了什麼營養?
糟糕了, 其實, 有時生病是為自己找藉口, 讓自己有個休息的時候, 順便利用時間做市場調查~~
無論如何, 每個月的疼痛得開始減少, 就是最基本的補品得喝一喝!
至於, 一般的傷風咳嗽, 發燒等症狀, 最好是半年也別讓它發作一次!~
別再隨便生病了, 其實我是可以很健康的~!
到底是我自己沒照顧好呢? 還是自己內心也很渴望生病的日子?!
[瘋了, 哪有人會想生病!]
連身邊的人都開始為自己擔心, 干嘛老是生病, 是不是缺少了什麼營養?
糟糕了, 其實, 有時生病是為自己找藉口, 讓自己有個休息的時候, 順便利用時間做市場調查~~
無論如何, 每個月的疼痛得開始減少, 就是最基本的補品得喝一喝!
至於, 一般的傷風咳嗽, 發燒等症狀, 最好是半年也別讓它發作一次!~
別再隨便生病了, 其實我是可以很健康的~!
Thursday, August 10, 2006
Think before U speak!!
A lesson to Learn~ in a hard way~!!
I am very tired tonight. Somehow, a very tired night. My heart is very heavy and in fact I would be most happy to lay down on my bed which I can not.
Something is wrong somewhere.
Yes. It's another reminder to think before I speak. For godness shake, how can I did the same mistake again??! I always treat it as a minor problem and never put in my mind that I shall never repeat the same mistake again.
This is rather annoying and irritating to the people around me. I keep forgetting and keep drawing the same mistake till the day I realize this is not a minor mistake but a MAJOR~!
"Minor mistake will roll into big mistake if you don't manage it well."
I did promised to a VIP that I will change. I broke the promise.
It's so heartaching. Who likes people scold? Who like people to point out their own mistake especially if the person is their loved ones? If I continue to say "okok, I will change it next time" and laugh like nobody's business, I suppose the outcome will still be the same old ME! Sometimes I am the one that is wearing the "thick skin face". I wish people could take care of my pride. However, I am wrong. Pride is meaningless if I continue to misbehave and so inconsiderate to people around by acting like nobody's business and speak without thinking the situation.
I am very shameful to my action. I admit that I am not mature enough. No wonder I still need people around me to remind me but this does not mean that I forever have people around to set a reminder to me. I have to take up my own responsibilities.
What I say, What I do, is What I deserves at the end of the Action!
Begging apologize is too late. I realized it soon after the ball runs too big that I could not even stop it.
Learning it in a hard way is the most painful way to change my poor attitude and misbehavior.
Pray that I shall never step into it again. Pray that everyone has a good night sleep everynight.
Thank you, Buddha Maitreya.
I am very tired tonight. Somehow, a very tired night. My heart is very heavy and in fact I would be most happy to lay down on my bed which I can not.
Something is wrong somewhere.
Yes. It's another reminder to think before I speak. For godness shake, how can I did the same mistake again??! I always treat it as a minor problem and never put in my mind that I shall never repeat the same mistake again.
This is rather annoying and irritating to the people around me. I keep forgetting and keep drawing the same mistake till the day I realize this is not a minor mistake but a MAJOR~!
"Minor mistake will roll into big mistake if you don't manage it well."
I did promised to a VIP that I will change. I broke the promise.
It's so heartaching. Who likes people scold? Who like people to point out their own mistake especially if the person is their loved ones? If I continue to say "okok, I will change it next time" and laugh like nobody's business, I suppose the outcome will still be the same old ME! Sometimes I am the one that is wearing the "thick skin face". I wish people could take care of my pride. However, I am wrong. Pride is meaningless if I continue to misbehave and so inconsiderate to people around by acting like nobody's business and speak without thinking the situation.
I am very shameful to my action. I admit that I am not mature enough. No wonder I still need people around me to remind me but this does not mean that I forever have people around to set a reminder to me. I have to take up my own responsibilities.
What I say, What I do, is What I deserves at the end of the Action!
Begging apologize is too late. I realized it soon after the ball runs too big that I could not even stop it.
Learning it in a hard way is the most painful way to change my poor attitude and misbehavior.
Pray that I shall never step into it again. Pray that everyone has a good night sleep everynight.
Thank you, Buddha Maitreya.
Wednesday, August 09, 2006
Beach - My Dream Land~!
Recently, I went to the beach at Sepang Gold Coast.
I have always wanted to go to the beach.
Any beach will do.
Whenever I have stress, pressure, hard feelings I will HUNT for a BEaCh~
However, most of the time I don't get to go on time to release tension...
And that is the most important moment to have YOU around :) You will lend me yourshoulder to cry on~ So Fragile ya? YOU suggested to go to the BEACH~!
I was so happy and almost scream and jump at my working place :P
As though I have strike the LoTTeRy~!
It was a nice weather.
I wanted to record the sound of the sea...
Somehow, the recording turns out to be "sha sha sha"
Probably during night time the sea will sound even better.
Such a relief~
Such a good moment :)
When will I be with the beach again?
Next week? Next month? Next quarter of the year? Probably is next year?
I wanted to scream to the ocean...
"Wei~ Set Me FREE~"
"Wei~ Sail with ME~"
"Wei~ How are YOU~"
I love to see waterfall, fountain, sea, ocean, river... anything that is in water shape.
Even, rain!
It's cold and refreshing.
I can have good night sleep with rainy days.
I can feel the cool breeze~
A date with the ocean.
I promise, I will go to the beach again!
Thursday, August 03, 2006
是在內心太慌亂的時候 ...
看見這張照片 感覺特別舒服
心中就有重新(心) 開始的感覺
不再 當逃兵
Thursday, June 01, 2006
最近常常下雨, 但雨後的彩虹讓我看了不僅心情也開朗了, 呼吸也順暢了許多.
大概這一兩個星期里的心情都和天氣一樣沉重, 工作上的清閑並沒有讓我感得有任何的愉快, 反而很不適應因為習慣了勞動的日子! 本來想做個逃兵, 繼續向報章上的聘請刊物上尋找另一份自以為會很棒的工作, 但是, 這樣一來變成了 "坐這山, 望那山, 一事無成的逃兵!"
所幸, 剛應徵過的新公司的待遇並非我所要的, 我竟然一口氣向對方要求更棒的薪金, 當然對方也很坦白的拒絕了我的要求><"
峰迴路轉, 陰差陽錯, 人算不如天算! 公司開始有新任務讓我勞動了! 實在是又說不出的興奮! 終於能跑上跑下, 學習更多的領域. 或許應該說, 終於有了流汗的機會! 不論別人的想法和做法是如何, 我在這公司上班的目的是在學習之餘, 更想達到敬業樂業的境界, 要達到自己的成就感的同時也可以讓別人認同!
有工作, 代表有機會尋找到我心中的成就感! 工作才算有定點兒的滿足感.
一切從 "我" 開始!
^@^ 希望, 我能再待久些...
大概這一兩個星期里的心情都和天氣一樣沉重, 工作上的清閑並沒有讓我感得有任何的愉快, 反而很不適應因為習慣了勞動的日子! 本來想做個逃兵, 繼續向報章上的聘請刊物上尋找另一份自以為會很棒的工作, 但是, 這樣一來變成了 "坐這山, 望那山, 一事無成的逃兵!"
所幸, 剛應徵過的新公司的待遇並非我所要的, 我竟然一口氣向對方要求更棒的薪金, 當然對方也很坦白的拒絕了我的要求><"
峰迴路轉, 陰差陽錯, 人算不如天算! 公司開始有新任務讓我勞動了! 實在是又說不出的興奮! 終於能跑上跑下, 學習更多的領域. 或許應該說, 終於有了流汗的機會! 不論別人的想法和做法是如何, 我在這公司上班的目的是在學習之餘, 更想達到敬業樂業的境界, 要達到自己的成就感的同時也可以讓別人認同!
有工作, 代表有機會尋找到我心中的成就感! 工作才算有定點兒的滿足感.
一切從 "我" 開始!
^@^ 希望, 我能再待久些...
KiRa N LaCuS~
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